Song lyrics & music written by Andre Mistier
Some insights from Andre Mistier about “We Can Dream”
The Inspiration:
I wrote the first lyrics to this song while singing along to “Rapture, Part II” by &me, a dream of a positive future.
But I didn’t put it all together and make the song until I listened to “Not Enough” by Lazarusman and Hyenah.
I felt motivated to make a song about a true call to action- a call to action towards what would really have positive change in the world. Namely, not focusing on individual causes but focusing on our shared humanity, our shared weaknesses and goals. That the goal is not winning but getting where we’re trying to go. And often winning will actually get in the way of true positive resolution. Who doesn’t want the world to be better? We may disagree on what that means and where it goes, but the dream of making the world better is a dream we all can dream our own dreams to.